About Us [See Also: Me]

As an artist, my journey certainly hasn't been conventional. Born into a tumultuous childhood, I faced challenges and obstacles along the way that were outside of my control. Despite being discouraged from pursuing art as a child, among most things, I never lost my love for creating. I would often find myself doodling and daydreaming about the possibilities of expression. It wasn't until I discovered that my biological father [I did not know him] was an artist too- that the blood was in me... the beast awakened.

It started slow with writing, winning essay contests while I was just a babe. I began my first autobiography when I was nine, chronicling the abuse I had suffered and was trying desperately to understand. I started illustrating my autobiography, but once discovered, it was burned.

After leaving home for good at fourteen, I found myself working in kitchens and honing my skills as a chef. Little did I know, the culinary world would become a canvas for my artistic expression. I began to see art not only on the plate but also in the presentation and creation of each dish.

I yearned to learn, to understand the art that flowed through my veins. I wanted to express myself in ways I had never imagined before. With determination-and fear- I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration.

Months were spent mastering the use of Sketchbook, an off-brand Procreate app for digital art. It became my trusted companion, allowing me to photograph and scan my sketches, then finalize my pieces digitally. This newfound medium opened up a world of possibilities, enabling me to bring my visions to life.

My artistic style is unique and distinctive, or it tries to be. I strive to create pieces that are not only visually captivating but also deeply meaningful. Sometimes, this means embracing stylization and pushing the boundaries of traditional art.

My aim is to challenge the norms and create art that resonates with others. Every movement of my fingers is an opportunity to express my innermost thoughts and emotions.

Join me on this extraordinary journey of artistic discovery. Together, let us celebrate the indomitable power of self-expression and the beauty that lies within each creation!